Why You Should Invest in Real-estate

Real estate investing is one of the most lucrative ways to build a business. It is also one of the safest since real estate is less volatile than the stock market. Here are four more reasons why you should invest in real estate.

Properties appreciate in value

Property values appreciate over time due to inflation, supply and demand, capital improvements and other factors.
Most real estate investors purchase income property for capital appreciation. And a lot of people opt to purchase a home instead of renting out one because they can increase their net worth when the value of the property goes up. The property, over time, is going to be worth more than what you initially paid for it.

Properties provide a steady stream of income

Going hand-in-hand with appreciation is rental income ñ not only is your property increasing in value, but your tenant will be making the payments on your property for you!

Any amount that is more than what you are required to pay for the property is considered income. So if you are required to pay $800 for the property, and your tenant pays $1100 in rent, you receive an income of $300 every month for that property.

Also, when a renter pays down your mortgage, you begin to accumulate equity. You can use this equity to fund more deals and expand your real estate portfolio.
Properties provide large sums of money
While renting creates a steady stream of income, other real estate investing techniques such as flipping houses, wholesaling, rehabbing and short sales can create large chunks of money. The investor contracts or buys a property under market value and resells the property for more than the original price in a short period of time.

For example, you purchase a property for $50,000. Spend around $30,000 to fix it up and make repairs. Now sell the property for $130,000 and you get a gross profit of $50,000.
Properties provide substantial returns for minimal investment

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Business Plan of Amstar Real-estate

Bronze Member (BM)
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  • Daily Investment approximately left US$ 10000 Right US$ 10000. 

Silver Member (SM)
(Member Account Fee- US$ 155.00 = 300 PV)

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Gold Member (GM)
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  • Daily Investment approximately left US$ 100000 Right US$ 100000.

Exclusive Business Plan
 Diamond Member (DM)
(Member Account Fee- US$500.00= 800PV)

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  • Direct referrer bonus US$ 10-1BC
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  • Investment income: Direct Sponsor-12% and Net Investment Commission 12%

1BC= BM $400        -  $3500-with 22%, Investment validity 12 months.  Per month pay- profit 11% invest 11%.   

1BC= SM $400        -  $20000-with 25%, Investment validity 12 months.  Per month pay- profit 13% invest 12%.

1BC= GM $1000      -  $60000-with 30%, Investment validity 12 months.  Per month pay- profit 15% invest 15%.

1BC= DM $5000      -  $250000-with 40%, Investment validity 15 months.  Per month pay- profit 20% invest 20%.

Investment Team Plan Bronze Member (BM)
Left Investment Right Investment Percentage Commission
US$400.00 US$400.00 12% US$48.00
US$800.00 US$800.00 12% US$96.00
US$1000.00 US$1000.00 12% US$120.00
US$3000.00 US$3000.00 12% US$360.00
US$10000.00 US$10000.00 12% US$1200.00
Investment Team Plan Silver Member (SM)
Power Group Carry Forward. Smaller Group Flush.
Left Investment Right Investment Percentage Commission
US$400.00 US$400.00 12% US$48.00
US$800.00 US$800.00 12% US$96.00
US$1000.00 US$1000.00 12% US$120.00
US$3000.00 US$3000.00 12% US$360.00
US$10000.00 US$10000.00 12% US$1200.00
US$20000.00 US$20000.00 12% US$2400.00
US$30000.00 US$30000.00 12% US$3600.00
Power Group Carry Forward. Smaller Group Flush.
Investment Team Plan Gold Member (GM)
Left Investment Right Investment Percentage Commission
US$1000.00 US$1000.00 12% US$120.00
US$3000.00 US$3000.00 12% US$360.00
US$10000.00 US$10000.00 12% US$1200.00
US$20000.00 US$20000.00 12% US$2400.00
US$40000.00 US$40000.00 12% US$4800.00
US$100000.00 US$100000.00 12% US$12000.00
Power Group Carry Forward. Smaller Group Flush.
Investment Team Plan Diamond Member (DM)
Left Investment Right Investment Percentage Commission
US$5000.00 US$5000.00 12% US$600.00
US$10000.00 US$10000.00 12% US$1200.00
US$20000.00 US$20000.00 12% US$2400.00
US$30000.00 US$30000.00 12% US$3600.00
US$40000.00 US$40000.00 12% US$4800.00
US$100000.00 US$100000.00 12% US$12000.00
US$250000.00 US$250000.00 12% US$30000.00

Amstar Real-estate Bangladesh Legal Documents

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